Robert Dougherty

Head of Pre-Primary, Bellevue Children’s Academy at International Schools Partnership

Rob grew up in the great pacific northwest of the United States of America. Enjoying a passion for athletics during his childhood, he went on to play four years of football as a member of the Western Oregon State College Wolfpack, before transferring to Oregon State University and acquiring his BS in Liberal Studies. Rob’s introduction to early childhood education can be traced back to his assistance with his local youth wrestling program, instruction at youth football camps, and to his five years as a swimming instructor.

Exhibiting a passion for both domestic and international travel, Rob embarked upon many journeys, where he acquired an appreciation and understanding for a variety of international cultures and their rich diversity. His adventures eventually brought him to Bellevue Children’s Academy in 2002 where he met and partnered with some amazing teammates, including his wife, Mrs. Britt Dougherty, to found, build, and grow an extremely successful academic institution. Rob and Britt are currently the Heads of Bellevue Children’s Academy, Rob being the Head of Pre-Primary (Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten) while Britt holds the position Head of Primary (Kindergarten through 4th grade).

Rob continues to dedicate himself to the BCA community and to the safety and well-being of their young students while striving to provide the excellent academic learning that has made Bellevue Children’s Academy The School of Choice. Rob enjoys touring motorcycles, baking, football, and road trips with his family, including their two dachshunds, Harriet, and Clementine.