Simon Thompson

Principal, British School of Geneva at International Schools Partnership

The British School of Geneva is the third school at which Simon has had the privilege of being Principal. Simon comes from Ireland where he has been Principal / Headmaster of Midleton College, Cork, and Principal / Headmaster of Kilkenny College, Kilkenny. Both schools are co-educational boarding and day schools, Kilkenny College being the largest in the Republic of Ireland with 460 weekly boarding students and 460 day students. Simon believes leading a school community permits a unique opportunity to guide and support a team which is focused on the young people for whom have responsibility, to achieve their personal fulfilment at the most formative stage of their lives in a unique environment.

Simon’s education philosophy is based on ensuring each student is given the best possible range of opportunities to become the person they wish to be through their learning. The professional responsibilities require own constant desire to be open to learning, to professional and personal growth. The successful process of aiding and guiding student learning is a delicate thing requiring a surgeon’s dexterity and an artist’s flare. Simon believes a growth mindset is required throughout life. Self-respect, mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance of diversity are core values for him.

Simon has been married to his partner Grace Hamilton for 27 years. They have three children, Dara (23), Luke (20) and Martha (15). Like any parent they are the centre of his being. Simon loves sport, politics and non-fiction literature. He strives to maintain a 25 minute time for a 5k run, sometimes with success, other times without. The Tour de France is, in his view, the greatest annual sporting event in the world. He retains an active interest in the exploration of space first fostered on a childhood visit to Cape Canaveral.

He has an abiding interest in the self-discipline required over sustained periods for sportspeople of all types to achieve and maintain excellence in their field of activity. As educators, and as people, they can all learn from them.


  • Principal, British School of Geneva

    Current role