Investment Group Partners


Investment Group Partners (IGP) is an Educational Financial Management Member Association. IGP is called to established, create, maintain and mange a financial source of provisions made available from God through the actions of Chosen Servants called to be Righteous Managing Stewards over the called... Read more




Org chart

Dr. Harold Elam Jr's profile picture
Dr. Harold Elam Jr
IGP Chief Executive Officer & Board Member
Dr. Travis Cutchin's profile picture
Dr. Travis Cutchin
CEO ENDO Dispensary + Wellness & IGP Board Member
Kimberly Scoville's profile picture
Kimberly Scoville
IGP International Development Group CEO
Dr. Sam Stephenson IV's profile picture
Dr. Sam Stephenson IV
Lionshare Chief Executive Officer & IGP Board Member & KSweet Trustee & Endo Dispensary + Wellness Strategic Advisor
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