Ruhul Amin (he)

C0-Founder and CEO at Jaagodeal

Hello! I am Ruhul Amin, the Co-Founder and CEO of Jaagodeal, an innovative e-commerce platform that I have built and nurtured from its inception. As the driving force behind Jaagodeal, I am excited to personally share my journey and the story of our company with you.

Jaagodeal was born out of my passion for technology and entrepreneurship, with a mission to transform the online shopping experience in Bangladesh. By offering a diverse range of products and exceptional customer service, I have strived to create a platform that meets the needs and expectations of our customers. My hands-on approach and commitment to excellence have been the pillars of Jaagodeal's success.

Before launching Jaagodeal, I gained extensive experience in the technology and retail sectors, holding key roles that equipped me with the skills needed for business development, operations, and strategic planning. This background has been instrumental in shaping the operational framework and customer-centric philosophy of Jaagodeal.

I hold a degree in EMBA from National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) Global and continuously seek opportunities to expand my knowledge through various executive education programs. Lifelong learning is a core value for me, as it helps me stay ahead of industry trends and drives innovation within Jaagodeal.

In addition to my professional endeavors, I am deeply committed to digital inclusion and economic empowerment. I actively mentor aspiring entrepreneurs and engage in initiatives that support the growth of a vibrant startup ecosystem in Bangladesh.

When I am not working, I enjoy reading, traveling, and exploring new technologies. These interests not only enrich my personal life but also inspire my professional work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I am proud to share the journey of Jaagodeal and look forward to connecting with you on TheOrg.


Chattogram, Bangladesh



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  • C0-Founder and CEO

    Current role