John Menzies


John Menzies plc provides time-critical logistics and support services. The Company provides cargo and passenger ground handling services across the world.

Org chart

Philipp Joeinig's profile picture
Philipp Joeinig
Chairman & CEO
Profile photo

Philipp Joeinig

Mervyn Walker's profile picture
Mervyn Walker
Special Advisor to the CEO
Juliet Thomson's profile picture
Juliet Thomson
Chief People Officer
Rami Al-Haddad's profile picture
Rami Al-Haddad
Chief Information Officer
John Redmond's profile picture
John Redmond
EVP, Americas
Rémy Joland
EVP, Business & Corporate Development
Robert Fordree
EVP, Cargo
Lukasz Skorupa
EVP, Commercial
Miguel Gomez
EVP, Europe
Charles Wyley
EVP, Middle East, Africa & Asia
Darren Masters
EVP, Oceania & South East Asia
Johan Lotriet
Group Chief Security Officer

Board & advisors

David Garman
Deputy Chairman
John Geddes
Corporate Affairs Director & Group Company Secretary
Paul Baines
Non-Executive Director