Mais Alabade

Skills Trainer at Jordan River Foundation

Mais Alabade has held various positions in organizations such as Ministry of Youth jo, Jordan River Foundation, I Learn Jo, Salt theater, ActionAid, مشروع لبيب, مودة للدعم النفسي, Mercy Corps, and المركز الوطني للبحوث الزراعية. Currently working as a Training Supervisor at the Ministry of Youth jo, Mais has experience in roles such as Skills Trainer, Community Outreach Coordinator, Trintrainer, Senior Project Coordinator, and دعم نفسي. With a background in agricultural engineering from the Univercity of Jordan, Mais has shown dedication to youth leadership, skills training, project coordination, and mental health support.



  • Skills Trainer

    July, 2022 - present

  • Community Outreach Coordinator

    November, 2019