JSC Gazprom Neft


JSC Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company engaged primarily in oil & gas exploration and production (E&P), the sale and distribution of crude oil, and the production and sale of petroleum products. The company’s proven hydrocarbon reserves according to SPE (PRMS) criteria stand at 1.34... Read more





Org chart

Alexander Dyukov
Chairman of the Management Board, CEO, Gazprom Neft PJSC

Alexander Dyukov

Alexander Dybal
Deputy CEO for Corporate Communications
Alexei Yankevich
Deputy CEO for Economics and Finance
Anatoly Cherner
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Deputy CEO for Logistics, Processing and Sales (Downstream)
Elena Ilyukhina
Deputy CEO for Legal and Corporate Matters
Igor Antonov
Deputy CEO for Security
Kirill Kravchenko
Deputy CEO for Administration
Pavel Kolobkov
Deputy CEO for Federal Government Relations
Pavel Oderov
Deputy CEO for International Business
Vadim Yakovlev
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Deputy CEO for Upstream