The Military Operations and Support team at the Kentucky National Guard is responsible for the strategic planning and execution of military operations, both in support of federal missions and state emergencies. This team oversees training, logistical support, and human resources, ensuring that Soldiers and Airmen are equipped and ready to respond to diverse situations, from combat deployments to community disaster relief efforts. They coordinate operations, facilitate communication, and manage resources to optimize the Guard's dual mission effectively.
Emmanuel Smith
Field Artillery / Logistics Of...
Gina Vaile-Nelson
Senior Human Resources NCO
Haldane B. Lamberton
Adjutant General
Jason Turner
Certified 13j Army Senior Inst...
John Harvey
G3, Director Of Operations
Nathan Iglehart
Contracting Officer Liaison/re...
Roger Thomas Vance
Human Resources Officer
Travis Carpenter
Director Of Operations Support
William Davis
Brigade Commo Chief
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