Mike Haughton

Founder, CEO at Kernls

Mike lost his dad to pancreatic cancer as a senior in college. After his death, Mike was determined to bring an awareness of the devastation caused by the disease to his friends and others. This led him to found and run the Pancreatic Cancer Foundation of Canada (PCF).

Through the experience of starting and running a foundation, Mike learned how difficult it is to create meaningful connections between the world of research and the donors who supported the PCF. It was clear a gap existed and that there was a need for a tool to enable information to get from the researchers to the donors.

Years later, in 2018, Mike lost his mom to gallbladder cancer. After this, it was clear to him a new model was needed, new innovation, and a focus to bring the importance of research to the world of donors.

This is why he started Kernls. Previous to founding Kernls, Michael was instrumental in the ideation, funding, staffing, and execution of Tradewind Markets, a supply chain software company based in NYC. To date, Tradewind has raised over $23M from leading industry partners and employs 33 people in their NY office.


  • Founder, CEO

    Current role