Eva Morand

Brand content manager/Community Manager at Kippy

Eva Morand has a diverse range of work experience in the animal industry. Eva started their career as a Manipulatrice radio at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, where they performed veterinary imaging exams and implemented pet-friendly methods. Eva also trained students in radiography techniques and animal welfare.

After that, Eva worked as a Journaliste for Canard & Cie, where they contributed to web journalism. Eva then joined Wamiz as an Editrice, managing content creation.

Eva also worked as a Journaliste for Blog à poils, specializing in animal behavior and welfare. Eva actively pursued projects in this field and provided expertise and articles on the topic.

Subsequently, they took on the role of Rédactrice web at Petch, a website focused on pet food and accessories. Eva wrote blog articles and created website categories.

Later, Eva worked as a Journaliste Web at Canard & Cie and as a Journaliste for Kalata, specializing in pet-related topics.

More recently, Eva was a Responsable éditorial et animatrice de podcasts at we feed, where they managed the editorial content and hosted podcasts.

Currently, they are working as a Brand content manager/Community Manager at Kippy srl.

Throughout their career, Eva has consistently demonstrated their expertise and passion for animal welfare and behavior.

Eva Morand has a diverse education history spanning multiple fields. In 2006 to 2007, they attended Université Paris Dauphine where they pursued a Master's degree in Management de projet, with a focus on international projects and NTIC (New Technologies in Information and Communication). In 2016 to 2017, they studied at École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - EnvA, specializing in Relations Homme Chien (Human-Dog Relations), which involved the field of Ethologie (Ethology). In 2018, they briefly attended The University of Edinburgh, undertaking a program in Animal Behaviour and Welfare, also within the field of Ethologie. Prior to these, Eva obtained a Maîtrise degree in Langues et Affaires Economiques Internationales (English/Spanish) from La Sorbonne Nouvelle between 2002 and 2006. In 2013 to 2014, they participated in a CLINACT program as an Attaché de Recherche Clinique (Clinical Research Associate). Additionally, Eva obtained certifications in SEO: Les fondamentaux from Skilleos in May 2020 and Animal Behavior and Welfare from Coursera Course Certificates in January 2018.


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