Travis Carpenter

Senior Geotechnical Consultant at Kleinschmidt Associates

Travis is a Senior Geotechnical Consultant that has been with Kleinschmidt for 4+ years. Travis specializes in geotechnical engineering for embankments/dams, commercial developments, environmental remediation sites, and landfills. He has developed and implemented hundreds of geotechnical investigations throughout the U.S. and Canada. He performs slope stability evaluations and bearing capacity/settlement analyses, and he evaluates and designs stability improvement measures, seepage controls, instrumentation/monitoring plans, shallow foundations, ground improvements, earth anchors, retaining structures, mechanically stabilized earth walls, pavements, and low-permeability cover systems.

Travis develops scopes, schedules, and budgets for subsurface investigations, laboratory testing, and instrumentation/monitoring programs; directs and trains geotechnical field staff; prepares reports, design drawings, technical specifications, and bid documents; and reviews subgrade preparation, site grading, and earthworks during construction. Some of his most recent projects include Retaining Wall Design; Spillway Replacement Project; Pumped Storage Development Phase I Design; Fish Passage; Evaluation of Upland Disposal Sites (Dredge Spoils) for Stability & Beneficial Reuse; Embankment Rehabilitation.