Ramanujan Kashi

Co-Founder & VP Business Development at Koopid

Dr. Ramanujan Kashi is a co-founder of Koopid, where he leads Business Development and is the General Manager for the business in Asia and Africa. Prior to starting Koopid, he was the director of web communications research at Avaya Labs, where he led researches in real-time web communications, digital ink, user authentication, collaboration and e-learning, streaming video, self-service systems, and the use of these technologies in Avaya's CRM and VoIP offers.

Dr. Kashi started his career at Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill in 1994 as a member of technical staff. He transferred to Lucent Bell Labs in 1996, and subsequently, to Avaya Labs Research in 2000. In 2004, he relocated to India to start a research group in multimedia for the Company's wholly owned subsidiary called Avaya India Private Limited. He has written numerous book chapters, edited a book on document processing, and is credited with over 40 publications and 30 patents.

Dr. Kashi obtained his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Mysore University, as well as his master’s degree in biomedical engineering and doctoral degree in computational neuroscience from the Laboratory of Vision Research at Rutgers University. He is passionate about sustainability and is actively toying around with projects related to solar power harvesting and composting techniques and has a plan of living completely off the grid (perhaps still dependent on Internet) in the very near future.