Eric Lindfors

Facility Bowling Consultant at Latitude 360 Inc

Mr. Lindfors spent fifteen years as Director of New Business Development with Brunswick Corporation (a Fortune 500 Company) during which he directed all aspects of the opening of 50 Luxury Bowling facilities. Brunswick who is also one of the oldest companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange, making its first appearance on the exchange in 1925. Today Brunswick remains a strong fixture on the world’s financial scene with net sales approaching $5.2 billion per year. According to Brunswick the bowling industry is growing in popularity, providing attractive financial opportunities, on a worldwide basis. With revenues now reaching well over $10 billion a year and drawing over 100 million participants worldwide. With the application of new technologies, bowling has broadened its 360 customer base by offering a diversity of entertainment and recreational options. Internationally, bowling is tapping into the young adult market as a preferred recreational venue. Bowling has become the focal point for the renewed emphasis on family activities and traditional entertainment values in the United States.