Andrew Kuper

at LeapFrog Investments

Dr. Andy Kuper is an investor and entrepreneur whose Profit with Purpose philosophy has shaped various industries and countries. He founded LeapFrog Investments in 2007. Within a decade, Fortune ranked LeapFrog as one of the top 5 Companies to Change the World, alongside Apple and Novartis.

LeapFrog’s companies now serve 212 million people in Africa and Asia with healthcare or financial tools – 168 million of them are emerging consumers, often accessing essential services for the first time. LeapFrog’s portfolio companies have grown on average 30 per cent per year since investment.

Global investors, including many of the world’s leading financial institutions, have committed over US $2 billion to LeapFrog. Portfolio companies have been sold successfully to industry leaders including Prudential Plc, Swiss Re, AXA XL, Allianz, Standard Chartered and Fidelity.

Andy has been recognised by the Economist Group for demonstrating how “to change the way we invest as individuals, institutions and societies”. He has received global leadership awards from WEF, YPO, IIS, EY and other institutions.

Born and raised in South Africa, now an Australian, Andy holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He has been a faculty member or visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University and Columbia University. Andy is author of two books on globalisation and governance and co-author of publications with diverse leaders and Nobel laureates.
