Liza Hoesbergen

Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary at LeasePlan Servicios S.A.

Liza Hoesbergen (1976, Dutch national) joined LeasePlan in 2009 after a career in private practice in Amsterdam and in New York (law firm NautaDutilh N.V.). In her current role as Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary Liza acts as a trusted advisor to the LeasePlan Executive Committee and Supervisory Board with respect to the full range of legal, regulatory, and governance matters. In addition, Liza is responsible for Regulatory Affairs across the Group. She oversees, leads, and manages the Legal function both at the holding and Group entity level and is responsible for the day-to-day management of legal and regulatory risks throughout the organization. Liza brings decades of corporate legal experience to her current position, having held several senior legal positions both within LeasePlan and in private practice. Liza is a graduate of Utrecht University and holds a post-graduate (cum laude) degree in Corporate Structures.