Maddy Shirley

Human Resources Director at Life Styles

Maddy Shirley is the current Human Resources Director at Life Styles. Maddy has a long history with the company, starting as a Research Assistant in 2018. In their time with the company, they have been promoted to their current position. Maddy has a degree in Psychology from the University of Arkansas.

Maddy Shirley has a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Workforce Development from the University of Arkansas. Maddy also has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Arkansas. Lastly, they have a Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Mississippi.

They work with Kelly Milner - Supported Employment Director, Sherry Anderson - Finance Director, and Sherri Esarte - Development Director. Their manager is John Newman, Executive Director.



  • Human Resources Director

    December, 2019 - present

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