

Liftago is a ride-hailing app platform that provides choice of nearby drivers with rating, price, and other real-time information.




Org chart

Ondrej Kratky
Co-founder | Advisor

Ondrej Kratky

David Mayer
Chief Product And Experience Officer
Jakub Mazal
Chief Growth Officer
Juraj Atlas
Co-founder & Chairman of the Board of Directors
Martina Bechyňová
Head of Communications
Martin Hausenblas
Shareholder | Co-Founder
Patrik Raš
Chief Financial Officer
Simona Veselá
happiness manager
Václava Kolejáková
Network Development Manager
Lukáš Musil
Chief Marketing Officer
Jiří Holeček
Head of Customer Service
František Šmolík
Sales Representative
Petra Knotková
Sales Manager
Anna Petřeková
Customer Experience Specialist
Michal Hošek
Support to the City management
Daniel Šrám
Java / Kotlin Developer
Jakub Gruber
Software Engineer
Jan Urban
Software QA Tester
Lukáš Kořán
Chief Technical Officer
Marie Vítová
Data Analyst/Engineer
Michal Brič
Backend Developer
Pavel Matulík
Software Tester
Tibor Mlynarik
SW Engineer
Vlad Gorbunov
Ios Engineer
Yegor Terokhin
iOS Developer
Jaromir Barta
Android Developer