Lödige Industries

1 follower

Lödige Industries is one of the world's leading suppliers of logistics systems and lifting solutions with more than 1000 employees and subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. For more than 70 years, we have focused on quality, innovation and partnership. Moving, arranging and sto... Read more


Warburg, DE




Org chart

Philippe de Backer

Wilhelm Lödige
Dr. Ing. Rudolf Lödige,
Michael Baul
Managing Director (united Kingdom)
Angelos Anastasopoulos
Managing Director
Arthur van Brink
Managing Director
Tobias Wennekamp
Chief Product Officer
David Welford
Head Of Sales (uk & Ireland)
Dr. Vanessa Schulte
Sales Engineer - Airport Logistic Solutions
Adriana Druliac
Head Of Human Resources, Administration & Export
Jonathan Hardy
Managing Director, North America
Johanna Diesel
Projektmanager "lödige Industries Campus"