Theresa R. Barrera

Acting Chief Deputy Business Operations at Los Angeles County Fire Department

In her role as acting Deputy Fire Chief of the Administrative Services Bureau, Chief Barrera oversees the Fire Department’s $1.3 billion budget and provides executive oversight of the Financial Management, Human Resources, Materials Management, and Information Management Divisions.

Chief Barrera joined the Fire Department in November 2004, where she served as the Assistant Chief and Chief of the Financial Management Division. In June of 2021, Chief Barrera was appointed as Acting Deputy Fire Chief of the Administrative Bureau and continues to work closely with internal and external stakeholders to improve standard business practices, ensure administrative and fiscal compliance, and foster a workforce that is representative of the communities we serve.

Prior to joining the Fire Department, Chief Barrera devoted 16 years climbing the ranks in administrative services at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services and Auditor-Controller. Chief Barrera received her Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Southern California. She is also the Treasurer of the Los County Hispanic Managers Association and a Board Member for the F&A Federal Credit Union.