Loyola University Maryland


Loyola University Maryland is a private institution located in Baltimore, Maryland.




Org chart

Terrence M. Sawyer

Randy Saba
Chief Information Officer/Assistant Vice President for Technology Services
Stephanie Coldren
Chief of Staff
Seán Bray
Interim Vice President for Mission
Eric Nichols
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Deborah Cady Melzer
Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students
Brian M. Oakes
Vice President for Advancement
Donna M. Woodruff
AVP & Director of Athletics
Stephen E. Fowl
Dean of Loyola College of Arts and Sciences
Afra A. Hersi
Dean of School of Education
Mary Ann Scully
Dean of the Sellinger School of Business and Management
Helen Schneider
Associate Vice President For Facilities And Risk Management

Board & advisors