Girish Ramdas is the Co-founder and CEO of Magzter, a New York based startup that has been making waves in the global digital publishing business. Magzter has crossed 80 million users since its inception in 2011 from more than 150+ countries with 1000s of magazines, newspapers and books from more than 4,500 publishers worldwide. He has more than 25 years of experience in cross-platform publishing, including print, mobile, and Web development. During this period, he has co-founded and run three successful start-up businesses. He has enabled magazine companies to go digital and helps them monetize their content across the digital world. Girish's deep industry experience in online, mobile and publishing ecosystems has made him an expert in acquisition, marketing and monetizing digital content across platforms globally.
He was voted the CIOL Technology Person of the Year for 2012 for his contribution to the global digital publishing business. He was invited to speak at the prestigious World Magazine Congress in Rome in 2013 to address the world publishers on digital publishing and its future. He was awarded the TiE Innovative Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2013 and was listed for the second time in the Fortune magazine's 40 under 40 list of global Indian Entrepreneurs. Magzter has been awarded the TiE “Billion dollar baby” award in 2014. Magzter also won the Best News & Magazine App Award by Global Mobile App Summit & Awards (GMASA) in 2017.
Prior to Magzter, he was the President of Dot Com Infoway (DCI) and Galatta Media. His duties included strategic marketing, partnership development, and monetizing content globally. DCI grew from a small team of 3 in 2000 to 300 by 2011 and was dealing with web, software and app development for clients globally.
In 2000, Girish also co-founded South India's largest entertainment portal and published South India's first English language movie magazine in 2007 both of which continue to grow exponentially based on the strong foundation set by Girish during his tenure there.
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