Manningham Housing Association


Manningham Housing Association provides good quality affordable homes and services for those in the greatest need in the Bradford district.

Org chart

Lee Bloomfield

Ulfat Hussain
Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Operations
Sayful Alam
Customer Engagement & Involvement Officer
Tom Finch
Head of Property Services
Nadim Khaliq
Head of Housing Services
John Kent
Director of Finance & Resources
Simi Amini
Community Development Officer
Colette Newton
Health & Safety Compliance Officer
Rebecca Harrison
Property and Performance Officer
Nabeela Naseem
Senior Customer Services Officer
Emma Noble
Executive Assistant
Harry Manford
Neighbourhoods Team Leader
Mansha Khan
Income Team Leader
Monuhar Ali
Senior Maintenance Surveyor
Sajid Mahmood
Senior Estate Caretaker
Bola Banwo
HR Administrative Assistant
Sajid Qureshi
Neighbourhood Officer