Maya Hotels


Founded in 1995, Maya Hotels is a privately held owner/operator specializing in long-term acquisitions, refurbishment, repositioning, and development of hotels. Our diverse portfolio includes franchise licenses with Hilton, Marriott, and IHG. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, our manageme... Read more

Org chart

JD Deva's profile picture
JD Deva
CEO & Founder
Profile photo

JD Deva

Parimal Thakor's profile picture
Phillip Butts
Vice President, Operations
Brent Edwards' profile picture
Brent Edwards
General Manager
Hazel Vazquez Xaca's profile picture
Hazel Vazquez Xaca
General Manager
Luke Yarborough's profile picture
Luke Yarborough
General Manager
Reba Edwards
General Manager
Tina Waddell
General Manager
