Jennifer Muli

Service Designer at Medic Mobile

Jennifer Muli is very passionate about working with the marginalized communities and being an agent of change. She has over five years experience in project management. She previously worked with Liver Pool VCT (LVCT) health where she was tasked with capacity building of Civil Society Organizations by offering them technical support towards provision of quality services at the community level. She has also worked as a HIV project coordinator in Kilifi County, an AIDS Relief funded project. She joins Medic with a background in capacity building and health system strengthening.

Jennifer holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing (University of Nairobi) and is in her final stages of completing a Masters in Public Health (Kenyatta University). She spends her free time with her family whom she lives with in Nairobi, Kenya. She loves swimming and traveling.


  • Service Designer

    Current role