Mental Health Innovations


Mental Health Innovations (MHI) is an independent charity whose primary purpose is to research, develop and deliver technology innovations in mental health. The intention is to invest in innovations which have been co created by the ultimate users of the technology, in partnership with experts from... Read more





Org chart

Victoria Hornby
CEO of Mental Health Innovations

Victoria Hornby

Fcipd Caroline Beresford
Head Of People & Culture
Dr Ariele Noble
Head Of Psychology Research & Commissioned Training
Carly Ziff
Clinical Practitioner
Charlotte Docherty
Shout Crisis Volunteer (level 5+)
Gemma Gee
Clinical Practitioner
Kathryn Collins
Shout Crisis Volunteer
Liz Marlow
Volunteer Support
Meg Oxford
Clinical Practitioner
Natasha Young
Shout Crisis Volunteer
Selena Z.
Qualified Practitioner
Shannon T.
Crisis Intervention Texter
Sophie Whitley
Clinical Practitioner
Victoria V.
Crisis Volunteer
David S.
Head Of Operations
Clare Bolton
Director Of Marketing And Communications