

Mercy was among the first health care organizations in the U.S. to have an integrated electronic health record (EHR) connecting all points of care. Mercy Technology Services’ broad use of its EHR has been recognized at one of the highest possible levels by Epic.





Org chart

Steve Mackin
President & CEO

Steve Mackin

Cynthia Bentzen-Mercer
EVP & Chief Administrative Officer
Ajay Pathak
Chief Strategic Ventures Officer
John Mohart
Alan Smith
Chief Operating Officer
Joseph Kelly
EVP & Chief Transformation Officer
Zack Dawson
Chief Operating Officer
Jennifer Brown
SVP & Chief Legal Officer
Jeff Ciaramita
President, Specialty Service Lines
David Argueta
Regional President, East Communities
Gavin Helton
President, Primary Care
Matt Wright
President - Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Dave Thompson
SVP, Population Health & President, Contracted Revenue
Dana Haynie
President, Cancer Care
Brian Connor
President, Neurosciences
Michael Englehart
President, Cardiovascular Services
Michelle Fortune
President, Surgery & Gastroenterology
Dawn Martin
President, Women & Children
Dan Eckenfels
President, Mercy Jefferson Communities
Bennett Geister
President, Mercy Oklahoma City Communities
John Myers
President, Mercy Springfield Communities
Kevin Minder
SVP, Community Health
Tony Krawat
Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance And Internal Audit Officer
Dara Webb
Vice President Patient Care Services - Women’s And Children
Jennifer Hibdon
Fetal Care Team Nurse Coordinator
Kalli Castille
Executive Director Caredesign And Optimization, Office Of Clinical Excellence
Alice Mankin
Regional Physician Executive, Primary Care
Lance Faddis
Regional Physician Executive, Primary Care
Tracy Riordan
Regional Physician Executive, Primary Care
Sue Ann Williams
Administrator, Mercy Hospital Stoddard
Chris Wibbenmeyer
Administrator, Mercy Hospital Perry
Devin Carty
Board Member