Abelardo Margolles Barros

Scientific Advisor & Co-Founder at Microviable Therapeutics

Dr. Margolles is currently a Professor of Research at IPLA-CSIC and is co-founder and scientific advisor of Microviable Therapeutics. Abelardo obtained his PhD at the University Santiago de Compostela (1997) and perform his postdoctoral work at the University of Groningen (1997-2000).

Since he joined IPLA-CSIC in 2000, he has led numerous international projects focused on microbiota and probiotics. Over his successful scientific career, he has developed extensive knowledge on intestinal microbiome and food microbes, specially focused on the probiotic benefits of bifidobacteria and the cross-talk interaction between gut microbiota and human health. He has published more than 200 scientific manuscripts, obtained several patents and is a member of the Spanish Society of Microbiota, Probiotics and Prebiotics (SEMiPyP).