Chris Miele

Partner, Historic Environment & Townscape at Montagu Evans

Chris is a chartered town planner who specialises in all forms of sensitive land, with particular expertise in the historic environment (listed buildings, conservation areas, world heritage sites, registered parks, scheduled monuments) and related landscapes (such as AONBs).

He also has a specialism in the planning of tall developments and has promoted many projects successfully over the last 15 years. This entails specialism in townscape and visual impact work and related expertise in the treatment of amenity issues (such as overlooking and loss of privacy).

Chris also provides general planning advice where these are principal issues, also assisting higher education and cultural institutions. He advises regularly on enforcement matters.

He has worked extensively as an expert witness at Planning Inquiries, the Lands Tribunal, the High Court QB Division and Consistory Court.

Chris trained as an architectural historian to a doctoral level and is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He maintains his academic credentials, publishing and lecturing.


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  • Partner, Historic Environment & Townscape

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