Fie Risdal Drejer

Revenue Enablement Specialist at Mover

Fie Risdal Drejer has work experience in various roles and industries.

- From September 2022 to the present, they work as a Revenue Enablement Specialist at Mover Systems.

- From January 2019 to January 2021, they were a PR & Campaign Coordinator at Copenhagen Watch Group A/S. Before that, from January 2021 to January 2022, they held the role of PR & Marketing. Additionally, in July 2018 to December 2018, they had an internship as a PR & Marketing Intern at the same company.

- From November 2016 to August 2018, they worked as an Assistant Sales at Tiger of Sweden.

- In the ski industry, they served as a Skiguide at Højmark Rejser A/S from November 2015 to April 2016.

- Fie also worked as a Skribent at HBOLD.DK, although the specific dates are not provided.

Fie Risdal Drejer has a diverse educational background. Fie completed their MSc in Business Administration and Organizational Communication with a focus on International Business and Society (IBS) at Copenhagen Business School from 2019 to 2021. Prior to that, they obtained a Bachelor's degree in Intercultural Marketing Communication from the same institution from 2016 to 2019.

Before attending Copenhagen Business School, Fie Risdal Drejer completed their Upper Secondary Examination at Marselisborg Gymnasium from 2012 to 2015. Fie'sstudies at the gymnasium included English A, Social Science A, and Mathematics B.

In addition to their formal education, Fie Risdal Drejer has obtained additional certifications to further enhance their skills. Fie completed a course on "Projektledelse for marketers" from Dansk Markedsføring in November 2022. Additionally, they obtained certification in Email Marketing from HubSpot Academy in October 2022.


Org chart


  • Revenue Enablement Specialist

    September, 2022 - present

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