Munich Airport


Fascinatingly diverse. The Employer Munich Airport Dynamic growth, strong partnerships, cutting-edge innovations: Munich is one of the world´s most successful airports. That is down to our employees, who work with passion, appeal and farsightedness. We will continue to grow in future and write furt... Read more

Org chart

Jost Lammers
CEO and Chairman of the Management Board

Jost Lammers

Dr. Jan-Henrik Andersson
Chief Commercial Officer (cco) & Chief Security Officer (cso)
Caroline Kaindl
VP HR & Leadership Development
Fleidl Theresa
Vice President Head Of Sister Airport Cooperations Senior Director HR
Ralf Stolze
Vice President Human Resources / Leiter Grundsätze & Personalcontrolling
Armin Hofer
Referent Konzerntöchter
Stefan Fricke
Medical Director Occupational Health And Aviation Medicine Flughafen München Gmbh
Mechthilde Wittmann
Chief Compliance Officer
Simone Dorsch
Senior Vice President Finance And Controlling
Hans-Joachim Bues
Vice President Corporate Communications
Vera Valerie Jakobsen
Vice President Digital
Andreas Mauer
Leiter Kommunikationsstrategie Und Markenmanagement