Wendy DuBow

Director, Evaluations & Senior Research Scientist at National Center for Women in IT - NCEIT

Wendy DuBow is a Senior Research Scientist and the Director of Evaluation at NCWIT. In her multi-faceted role, Dr. DuBow conducts primary research, creates practical print and multimedia resources, and evaluates the effectiveness of the various programs and materials NCWIT produces. Recent notable projects have included a study on what motivates and deters male allies in their support of gender diversity in the workplace; development of a theory of change for NCWIT as an organization; a mixed-methods longitudinal study on the circumstances under which young women pursue (and do not pursue) computing/engineering; and a mixed-methods study of community college students from introduction to computing classes and their academic trajectories. Dr. DuBow is also responsible for gathering and presenting the national statistics on female representation in the field of computing, most commonly published in the NCWIT Scorecard and By the Numbers. DuBow has received numerous National Science Foundation grants as Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI as well as served as external evaluator or advisory board member for many diversity in computing initiatives.
