Leadership Team


The current leadership team at the National Coffee Association has a wide range of experience in different industries. The team includes an Executive Assistant at the Colombian Coffee Federation, a Customer Accounts Representative at Quidsi Inc., an Inventory Logistics Consultant at ROLEX, a Quality Control Consultant at Barnes & Noble, and an Assistant to the Director at an Englishman in New York Film Production. The team also has a Vice President of Member Services at the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution and a Director of Membership at the Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals. The team's experience also extends to the Direct Marketing Association, where they are the Director of Segments and Special Interest Councils, and the Public Relations Society of America, where they are the Chief Executive Officer. The team is rounded out by a President at William Murray & Associates and a Co-Chief Operating Officer & EVP at Motion Picture Association of America.

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