Vincenzo Perrone

Non-executive Director at Natuzzi

Vincenzo Perrone is a Non-executive Director of the Company and is currently Professor of Organizational Theory and Behavior at Bocconi University—Milan, Italy, where he also previously served as Director of the Organizational and Human Resource Management Department of the Bocconi School of Management (1996—2002), Chairman of the Institute of Organization and Information Systems (2001—2007) and Vice-Rector for Research (2008—2012). He was a visiting professor at Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota from 1992 to 1994. He currently serves on the board of publishing company Egea S.p.A. (since June 2009) and of Aviva Italia Holding (since 2015), an insurance company where he also serves as a member of the risk, auditing and remuneration committees. He has prior experience as a member of the board of directors of ClarisVita S.p.A. (2003—2005), ACTA S.p.A. (2004), IP Cleaning S.p.A. (2004—2008) and Società Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. (2009—2011) and served on the advisory boards of Arthur Andersen MBA S.r.l. (1999—2000) and SAP Italia S.p.A. (2000—2001), as a member of the Technical and Scientific Oversight Board for procurement studies overseen by the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Treasury Department, on board committees responsible for awarding public tenders organized by Consip S.p.A. (2000—2003), on the Technical Committee for Research and Innovation of Confindustria (2004—2008) and on the Technical Commission for Public Finance at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (2007—2008). He has served as the Director of the Bocconi School of Management’s Economia & Management journal and has served as a reviewer for the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science (editorial board member) and Journal of International Business Studies. He has published several books and articles both in Italian and international journals.