NCR Atleos


NCR has separated into two separate and distinct companies: NCR Atleos and NCR Voyix. NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) is a leader in facilitating banks and retailers to deliver best-in-class self-service banking experiences for consumers. NCR Atleos helps customers expand their reach, provide greater finan... Read more





Org chart

Tim Oliver's profile picture
Tim Oliver
President & Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Tim Oliver

Stuart Mackinnon's profile picture
Stuart Mackinnon
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Paul Campbell's profile picture
Paul Campbell
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Leonard Graves' profile picture
Leonard Graves
Executive Vice President, Global Operations
Diego Navarrete's profile picture
Diego Navarrete
Executive Vice President, Global Sales
Ricardo Nuñez's profile picture
Ricardo Nuñez
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer
Jennifer Personette's profile picture
Jennifer Personette
Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Kristen Brady
Chief of Staff and Executive Director, Corporate Operations and Strategy
Andrew Duvall
Chief Accounting Officer (cao)
Matt O'Shields
Chief Information Security Officer
Maggie Weeman
Vice President, Enterprise Technology
Anthony Hopkins
Cvp, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer
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