Errol Melville Kruger

Independent Non-Executive Director at Nedbank

Errol joined the board as an Independent Non-executive Director on 1 August 2016. From September 2003 to July 2011 he was the Registrar of Banks (now known as the Chief Executive Officer of the Prudential Authority) at the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), having been with SARB from July 1978. As the Registrar of Banks, Errol represented SA as a full member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision from 2009 to 2011 and he successfully project-managed early adoption and full implementation of both the revised 25 Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and Basel II. Errol was appointed as Managing Director of Supervision and Authorisation at the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority on 1 August 2011, whereafter he was also appointed by the board of the Qatar Central Bank to serve on Qatar’s Financial Stability and Risk Control Committee. He relinquished his role at the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority on 31 July 2016. Errol also serves as a Non executive Director of Capital Appreciation Limited.


  • Independent Non-Executive Director

    Current role