Jonathan Mosteiro

AICP, Senior Associate at Nelson\Nygaard

Between his architecture training and recent transportation planning experience anchored in central Texas, Jonathan brings a passionate commitment to improving the built environment and how we move around it. He has a track record of using his technical knowledge and design skills to help articulate opportunities and tradeoffs of major transportation investments to both decision-makers and the community at-large. Having led projects where transit agencies are both clients and key stakeholders, Jonathan has a strong understanding of the role that high-capacity transit can play within complex regional transportation networks.

His project experience includes serving as a major task lead for the feasibility-level analysis of priority transit corridors in Austin; serving as deputy project manager on regional transportation plans for El Paso, Shreveport, and other cities across the south-central US; and coordinating travel demand and demographic forecasting and alternatives evaluation tasks for multi-modal corridor-, city-, and county-level plans across Texas.

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