Leadership Team


The president of Neuranet, as well as the vice president and general manager, have both come from Orion Media Concepts Inc. and Postmedia Network Inc. The vice president of brand development at Neuranet used to work at Canwest, and the sales manager for metro newspapers used to work at Hollinger. The small business sales representative used to work at TELUS, and the business sales representative used to work at Ledcor. The freight associate used to work at The Home Depot, and the sales representative used to work at A+ Window Cleaning. All of these members of the Neuranet team have had experience in sales in various industries. The president, vice president, and sales manager all have a background in media and communications. The small business sales representative has a background in telecommunications, and the business sales representative has a background in construction. Finally, the freight associate and sales representative have both worked in customer service. All members of the team have either completed or are working towards a degree; the president and vice president have degrees in English and Physics, respectively, from York University and the University of Waterloo.

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