David Allison

Director at Neurogastrx

David Allison, Ph.D. has been a venture capital investor since 2006 and is currently on the investment team at 5AM Ventures in San Francisco. He was previously at firms including Versant Ventures, Split Rock Partners and PTV Sciences. During his career, David has been involved with companies such as Aprea, Crinetics, Holaira, Ardian (acquired by Medtronic), Histogenics (Nasdaq: HSGX), RF Surgical (acquired by Medtronic), and Twelve (acquired by Medtronic). David also spent time with SurModics in its diagnostics and drug discovery business unit and as a NSF Research Fellow at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s Heart Valve Laboratory. David received a Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Rice University and a B.S.E. in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Iowa.