Bill PC Hsieh

Advisor at NeuroPrex

Dr. Hsieh is a board certified U.S. Internal Medicine doctor and has a general medical practice in Hacienda Heights, California. Bill received his medical degree from the University of Otago School of Medicine in 1999 and has been in practice for 15 years. He has a special interest in functional MRI in cardiology and has many medical publications to his credit. He worked as a fellow and residency at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and California Pacific Medical Center Pacific. In addition to his general medical practice, he also works for CareCore National to audit and determine approval for the reimbursement applications of patients. Bill will help NeuroPrex to formulate its reimbursement strategy for products which treat major depression and other diseases. Bill is a liaison for NeuroPrex joint clinical studies with director professors at departments of Imaging, Psychology, and Neurology at the Medical Center of University of Southern California and other universities. He also provides expertise in science submission and marketing strategies.