Sima Gerber

Sima Gerber is an Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders of Queens College, CUNY. Dr. Gerber has over 35 years of clinical experience, specializing in the treatment of young children with autistic spectrum disorders. Dr. Gerber is on the Advisory Board of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL), the faculty of the ICDL Graduate School, and the Board of Directors of the New York Zero-to-Three Network. Dr. Gerber has presented nationally and abroad on the topics of language acquisition and developmental approaches to intervention for children with challenges in language development. Dr. Gerber is the recipient of the award for Outstanding Service in the field of Speech-Language Pathology given by the New York City Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the Louis DiCarlo Clinical Achievement Award from the New York State Association. Dr. Gerber was elected to Fellowship by the American Speech- Language-Hearing Association in 2006.