The Leadership Team at Nickelodeon Animation drives the strategic vision and operational excellence of the studio, overseeing the development and production of innovative animated content. Comprised of key executives in animation development, production, business affairs, and talent relations, this team fosters collaboration among artists and creators, ensuring that the best ideas are transformed into engaging shows and films that resonate with audiences. They play a crucial role in maintaining Nickelodeon's legacy of creativity while navigating the complexities of the animation industry.
Alex Leung
Managing Director
Angelique Yen Marsde...
Svp, Physical Production
Brian Keane
Executive Vice President Produ...
Daniel Wineman
Vice President, Animation Deve...
Jason McConnell
Vice President, Animation Deve...
Kara Lord Piersimoni
Vice President Production-- Mo...
Nathan Schram
Vice President, Development
Roxanne Escatel
Vice President, Animation Cast...
Stephanie Alpert
Vice President - Physical Prod...
Sylvia Munoz
Vice President, Business & Leg...
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