Steve Richo

Co-Founder at Noise New Media

Steve Richo is the Co-Founder at Noise New Media. Originally from Connecticut, Steve co-founded Nashville, TN-based Noise New Media in 2008. Steve first accessed the Internet through Yale’s VAX/VMS in 1995 at 1200bps, long before the advent of the modern World Wide Web. As a network engineer in the Y2K era, he deployed multi-state wide area networks and long-haul wireless connectivity for companies large and small.

​Today, Steve’s strengths include connecting the dots between social campaigns and ticketing providers; a key contributing factor in proving Noise’s impact on ticket sales for over a decade.

​Known for his patient, zero-buzzword approach to helping clients understand social trends, Steve

is a vital resource for promoters and organizations across the country.



  • Co-Founder

    Current role