Sophie Nenner

Treasurer at NABSA

Sophie Nenner is on the Board of Directors at NABSA. Sophie brings over ten years of experience in the electric vehicle and bicycle industry, in addition to 20 years of project management and leadership experience. She has worked in IT, finance, and logistic departments within companies from various sectors in France, Spain, Argentina, and in the United States which has provided her with a diverse and broad professional background.

Sophie started her own eBike business in Paris in 2005. She was also very close to the Velib project that launched a couple of years later. Sophie moved to Los Angeles in 2010 and worked for an electric car startup before joining Bike Transit as General Manager of Metro Bike Share in 2016.

Sophie is a lifelong bike commuter. She's a board member of a local chapter of Safe Routes to Schools. Joining the NABSA board will let her share her global perspective, her enthusiasm and energy for bike advocacy, and her experience as a leader of a bike-share program in one of the biggest and most difficult US cities for transportation access.