Shari Dodsworth

SVP, Ontario, Atlantic & Western Region at Northbridge Financial Corporation

Shari is a highly motivated, decisive and innovative insurance executive with a passion for leadership, a focus on solutions and a commitment to high performance. As Senior Vice President of Ontario, Atlantic and Western Region, Shari focuses on driving profitable growth, managing the distribution and broker experience strategies for the organization, and leading their underwriting operations.

With over 20 years in leadership roles in the industry, Shari has broad experience in commercial insurance and distribution and a deep understanding of the Canadian insurance marketplace. Shari is well known and respected by thei exclusive broker partners.

Shari holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto and is a Fellow, Chartered Insurance Professional. Shari is a strong supporter and on the boards of both Women in Insurance Cancer Crusade (WICC) and the ISC Group. At WICC, Shari works with a dynamic committee to lead the insurance community’s participation at the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event. Shari is the Canadian Chair for the ISC Group, a global business community that provides personal, professional and business development for women in insurance.