Nathaniel Perez

Director of the Center for Racial Reconciliation at Nyack College

Dr. Nathaniel Perez is the director of Nyack’s Center for Racial Reconciliation (CRR). He earned his Doctor of Ministry and his Master of Divinity at Alliance Theological Seminary. In addition to being on the pastoral staff of churches in Westchester County, NY and Bergen County, NJ, Dr. Perez has served as a church planter and as pastor of a multi-ethnic church in White Plains, NY.

Dr. Perez has been a longtime proponent of the educational empowerment of underserved students as a counselor for the Nyack College Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). Beyond the boundaries of the classroom and the campus, Dr. Perez has coordinated and supervised trips to Albany, NY with HEOP students for the annual New York Student Aid Alliance Advocacy Day to lobby for state student aid programs and to meet with legislators. As an academic advisor and eventually as Chair of Developmental Education in the Division of Student Success, he also taught development courses, recruited students and was appointed director of the Racial and Cultural Reconciliation Initiative.

In an effort to inspire a new generation of leaders, Dr. Perez has led small groups with a theme of racial reconciliation. He has been a frequent chapel speaker at Nyack on that topic. He also teaches a course in collaboration with the Evangelical Covenant Church’s Sankofa Journey that has toured the Civil Rights memorial sites in the South.

As director of the new Center for Racial Reconciliation at Nyack, Dr. Perez facilitates special forums, panel discussions, and seminars including the Nyack Scholars Symposium. He spearheads the initiative to educate, disciple and empower students and all members of the campus community to lead the charge for justice and reconciliation in the local community, our nation and around the world.