Ocean Beach Hospital and Medical Clinics


Ocean Beach Hospital & Medical Clinics (OBHMC) is committed to providing you with quality, patient focused care. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals is here to help meet your medical needs and answer questions you may have about your care. OBHMC provides its community a 24/7 Emergency Depa... Read more



Ilwaco, US




Org chart

Rachel Cassidy's profile picture
Rachel Cassidy
Manager, Specialty Programs And Community Outreach
Stacey Brown
Human Resources Manager
Annette Allen's profile picture
Annette Allen
Environmental Services Manager
Brenda Sharkey's profile picture
Brenda Sharkey
Chief Nursing Officer
Tammie Jefferies' profile picture
Tammie Jefferies
Executive Assistant
Magdy Kandil
Ancillary Service Manager
Valrie Brown's profile picture
Valrie Brown
Clinic/him Manager
Kristen Fisher's profile picture
Kristen Fisher
Healthcare Access Associate
Richard Bennett
Healthcare Access Associate
Bsn Theresa L. Lorenz Rn
Clinical Informaticist
Loris Cook
Perioperative Assistant Nurse Manager
Marci Bunting
Radiologic Technologist
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