Mihai Văduva

Chief Operator Tool Pusher at OMV Petrom

Mihai Văduva has extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, starting as a Professional Workover Engineer for OMV Petrom in 2012. Mihai later transitioned to roles such as Toolpusher and Chief Operator Tool Pusher. Additionally, they have experience as a Construction Manager and Site Manager in both mechanical and civil engineering roles for companies like Kraftanlagen Group and VAMT Expert Imob.

Mihai Văduva completed their high school education at Grup Scolar Administrativ - Victor Slavescu in 2007. Mihai then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiești in 2011. Subsequently, they obtained a Master of Science in Reservoir Engineering from the same university in 2013. Additionally, they have obtained various certifications in different areas such as well control, language proficiency, and occupational safety.


Org chart



  • Chief Operator Tool Pusher

    March, 2023 - present

  • Toolpusher

    November, 2015

  • Professional Workover Engineer

    May, 2012

View in org chart