Piotr Zaborowski

Project Manager, Collaborative Solutions & Innovation Program at Open Geospatial Consortium

Project Manager leading and managing OGC Innovation Program initiatives. He holds an MSc in computer science from Warsaw University of Technology and an EMBA from WUTBS/CEU. Before joining OGC, Piotr was working in the commercial software development sector for Earth observations (like GEOSS Portal as PM/architect, International Charter Space and Major Disasters as BDM/Interim Manager, InCoNaDa as BDM, Disaster Processing Platform as BDM/PO), telecommunication (team lead/architect/PM) and financial markets(architect). He is fluent in the secure, distributed systems for mass market and large scale computations, but was also supporting RPA products development (CTO) and capacity building initiatives for EO operationalisation and organic growth for the European software sector.
