Orthopaedic Research Society(ORS)



To advance musculoskeletal research worldwide.




Org chart

Sharon Smith-Terry
Chief Executive Officer

Sharon Smith-Terry

Cindy Schneider
Finance Director
Matt Zuleg
Annual Meeting Scientific Program Manager
Karey Hyland
Projects Coordinator
Timothy Mix
Marketing Manager
Karen DeGrasse
Events Manager
Arlyng Gonzalez - Vazquez
Peter Amadio, Md, 1st Vice President
John Elfar
Peter Amadio, Md, 1st Vice President
Sherry Liu
Peter Amadio, Md, 1st Vice President
Jaime Alston
Director Of Events Management
Jaime M. Alston
Jaime Alston, Director Of Events Management
Andrea Alford
Section Communications Committee
Anne Pfeiffer
Education And Membership Specialist
Arvind Nana
Section Membership Committee
Ashley Levack
Section Membership Chairs
Augustine Saiz
Section Communications Committee
Cheryle Seguin
Section Research Co-chairs
Clare Yellowley
Hannah Dailey, Phd, Section Secretary
Edward Guo
Hang Lin
Clinical Research
Jamie Benson
Staff Liaison:
Jeannie Bailey
Section Membership Co-chairs
Jeff Biscoff
Section Associated Editor
Jennifer Nichols
Clinical Research
Kurt Spindler
ORS Advocacy
Louis Cheung
Section Membership Co-chair
Mauro Alini
Theodore Miclau, MD
Morgan Giers
Education Co-chairs
Nancy Hadley - Miller
Clinical Research
Nikita Halapeti
Staff Liaison:
Nilsson Holguin
Section Research Co-chairs
Patrick Carry
Section Membership Chairs
Peter Schwarzenberg
Section Membership Committee
Rodolfo De La Vega Amador
Section Communications Committee
Sara Hassouna Elsayed
Section Secretary
Stephen Abalow
Section Secretary
Svenja Illien - Junger
Section Education Co-chairs
Theodore Miclau
Mathias Bostrom, MD
Thomas Leahy
Staff Liaison: