Ossining Union Free School District

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Ossining High School is a comprehensive public high school located in Ossining, New York, United States, along the Hudson River in northern Westchester County, New York.





Org chart

Mary Fox-Alter
Interim Superintendent

Mary Fox-Alter

Kimberly Mauricio
Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
Alita McCoy-Zuber
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Maria Meyer
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
Donald Marra
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Jessica Turner
Executive Director of Instructional Support
Emily Macias-Capellan
Principal, Park School
James Minihan
Supervisor of Transportation
Ann Dealy
Director of Student Success
Jared Mance
Director of Facilities
Nancy de la Cruz-Arroyo
Director of Multilingual Programs and World Languages
Michael Hanna
Director of Technology
Christopher Demattia
Director of STEM
Kate Mathews
Director of Cultural Arts